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Hey Culpable Listeners!

Cover art for Culpable podcast, a true crime podcast from Resonate Recordings and Tenderfoot TV
Want a faster way to edit out the umms from your podcast? Sign up below for exclusive early access to our AI podcast editing tool.
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How it Works


Record or Upload Audio
Record your voice and review the clip before you submit it for automatic editing.


Process The Files
Run your recording through Resound to automatically flag each "um" and "ah" you said.


Accept or Ignore Each Edit
Review each "um" and "ah" to make sure they're accurate or just accept all edits.


Export Your Edited File
Export your audio without the mistakes and figure out what you're going to do with all the time you saved.


Record or Upload Audio
Short 1-sentence summary will go here to expound on the point listed above.


Process The Files
Short 1-sentence summary will go here to expound on the point listed above.

Coming Soon

Mix and master in seconds icon
Mix and master your podcast in seconds with AI.
import files from your favorite apps icon
Import files directly from your favorite remote recording apps.
Cut out "likes", explitives, long pauses, and more icon
Instantly edit out ‘like’, long pauses, coughs, expletives, and more.
Enhance your podcast with music and segments icon
Enhance your podcast with music, sound effects, and transitions.
Podcast from anywhere with mobile apps icon
Create anywhere on-the-go with iOS and Android apps.
Collaborate seamlessly with team icon
Collaborate seamlessly with your team, and so much more...

Clean up your podcast in minutes with AI filler sound detection.

Start Free
Questions? Contact us at!